How to get the best Leaning Tower of Pisa Photo
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is as comical as it is impressive in its four-degree lean, and tourists have gone to mocking it further by coming up with creative poses that play on the buildings tilt.
This article will share with you our top creative Leaning Tower pics that will help inspire you for your own trip!
You need only look to social media to see the online posing craze the Leaning Tower of Pisa has created over the years. By using the buildings large structure, tourists have played on the different perspectives created by the bell tower by placing it in the foreground or backdrop of their picture. With so many choices and decisions to consider, from where you stand, to how close, to what pose, this article is here to offer some advice on getting the perfect Pisa picture which will go above and beyond the average ‘holding up’ tourist pose. Which leads us nicely onto our first tip…
Beat the crowds
To give yourself plenty of options, try to get to the tower before all the other tourists. This will give you the time and space needed to play around with your photo. You don’t want loads of other tourists getting in your way and taking over your backdrop. You can try out different locations, lighting and perspectives, whilst you still have space to do so. We recommend booking your entrance tickets in advance and getting to the site either when it opens at 9am, or when the crowds begin to disperse from 5pm. The evening is just as beautiful, although the dimmed lighting might affect your photo quality! This may be a better option for those with professional cameras who can adjust their settings to ensure the best exposure.
Practice different poses
The most creative photos are often those which are unplanned and unexpected. By being goofy with your photo you’ll not only have more fun, but you’re more likely to stumble across a pose no one has thought of before. And you know what they say, practice makes perfect!
Have patience
Getting the right angle might take a while, but a photo lasts forever, giving you a fun memento of your time in Pisa. So, have patience and listen to the person behind the camera, they’ll know how close or far you are from your desired outcome. Communication is key in such tasks as this.
Use what’s around you
Some of the most creative and funny pictures have come from people who have used what’s around them, from accessories to benches, to food! From backpacks to ice cream cones, people have utilised everyday items to paint the Leaning Tower of Pisa in a different light. You can too!
Use your imagination
One of the great things about us as human beings is our individuality. We all see, hear and feel things in different ways. So, when you’re looking at the Leaning Tower try asking yourself, what does this remind me of? How does it make me feel? Maybe it reminds you of a giant marshmallow, or a rocket about to take flight. Whatever it is, thinking outside the box will inspire you to take the best creative shot there is.
Say cheese
The positioning of your body and hands aren’t the only things to consider when taking your Pisa picture…don’t forget to smile! With all the concertation that goes into getting the perfect pose, some people actually ruin their pictures by forgetting to say cheese. The beauty of a creative picture is to create the illusion of no effort at all. The best Pisa photo’s see people casually leaning, flipping, sitting or standing by the Leaning Tower, as if this something they do every day, and they just happen to make it look like the tower has dropped into their backpack.
Once you’ve finished with your photo shoot, don’t forget to explore the rest of Pisa! Our 1 hour Guided Pisa tour is perfect for fitting in some of the main sights close to the tower, from the baptistery to the cathedral, there are more beautiful photoshoots to be had.
Related article: Best Things To Do in Pisa